Blazing a Trail: One Man’s Coast to Coast Hike Across Ireland

I recently had the honour of interviewing William (Bill) Prindiville, a 77-year-old retired sea captain from Houston, Texas. Bill had just returned from walking the South Leinster and East Munster Ways in Ireland this June. As a fellow hiking enthusiast, I was thrilled to hear about his journey and how our team at Tailor-Made Tours made it possible.

man standing by water while hiking across Ireland

A Passion for Coast to Coast Routes

Bill’s love for long-distance hiking and his particular passion for coast to coast routes is what brought him to this off-the-beaten-path area of Ireland. He first learned about these trails from an old Cicerone guidebook, The Irish Coast to Coast Walk by Paddy Dillon. It captivated him, and in his true intrepid spirit, Bill set himself the goal to hike from the Irish Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. This recent trip marked his second stage, having already completed the Wicklow Way.

When Bill decides to complete a trail, he takes it seriously.

“When I walked the Tour du Mont Blanc with a tour company, I realised during my trip that their route skipped sections of the trail. I didn’t like that, so I flew back later that year to complete the sections. That’s just my Type-A personality.” – Bill

Challenges and Joys of the Irish Trails

Bill is no stranger to long-distance hiking. His impressive résumé includes completing the Appalachian Trail, Hadrian’s Wall and the South West Coast Path, West Highland and Great Glen Ways, Tour du Mont Blanc, and several Camino routes across Europe. He nearly completed the 154 km Texas Lone Star Trail in 37°C temperatures whilst undergoing chemo treatments. “It wasn’t a nice trail, but it was the only long-distance trail close enough for me to receive treatments and I was in a fit because I couldn’t go anywhere else.”

His current endeavour to hike across Ireland is part of a much longer E8 European long-distance path, which spans 6,240 kilometres and traverses multiple countries, from Ireland to Bulgaria. “I’m just interested in the Ireland section at this point,” said Bill.

The E8 in Ireland

The Irish segment of the E8 starts in Dursey along the Beara Way and connects with the Kerry, Blackwater, East Munster, South Leinster, and Wicklow Ways. While finding tour operators for popular routes like Beara, Kerry, and Wicklow is relatively easy, the interior trails present more of a challenge. This is why Bill was thrilled when Sean from Tailor-Made Tours agreed to assist him. “Tailor-Made Tours was the only hiking service provider willing to assist me with hiking in this area of Ireland,” Bill explained. “No other group has the interest to offer hiking assistance beyond the more popular common routes.”

Overcoming Obstacles with Determination

Bill, a fan of paper maps, found the GPS route provided by Tailor-Made Tours invaluable, especially on the lesser-known and sometimes poorly maintained routes. “I relied on GPS several times along the route to keep me on track,” he admitted. He encountered sections where heavy gorse and brush made the path impassable, underscoring the importance of having accurate navigation aids.

The South Leinster, more hilly than the East Munster, posed its own set of challenges. Bill found Fermoy particularly difficult due to the lack of transportation to housing and food. His journey ended there, but he plans to return once he can work out the logistics.

Bill’s gratitude towards Tailor-Made Tours was evident, especially when Sean drove three hours to pick him up after his scheduled driver cancelled. “Sean is such a nice man,” Bill exclaimed. “The level of personal attention and service provided by Sean and his staff far exceeded that of any other hiking service provider I have used in the past.”

Appreciating Irish Hospitality

When I asked Bill what he enjoyed most about his walk on the South Leinster and East Munster Ways, he repeatedly spoke of the B&B hosts and their hospitality. “I arrived early to my B&B one day and no one was home. When I called my host, she called a neighbour who immediately came to unlock the door for me. She didn’t have to do that, I was the one who arrived too early, but she did.” Bill also enjoyed the small pubs which he found to be more inviting to strangers.

Embracing the Solitude and Wildlife

The hiking paths in this region aren’t famous for any particular natural wonders like the more popular routes offer. Instead, they offer a chance for quiet walks amidst working farms and rolling hills.

“I enjoyed walking on top of a hill and looking down at the patchwork quilt of farms, knowing there was ancient history in the patterns of these stone walls.” – Bill

Wildlife sightings were rare, but Bill did see a fox and a deer, which was more than he had seen on his other hiking trips in Ireland. The isolation of the trail was palpable. “I only encountered one group of hikers, a family from South Africa travelling the world by boat,” Bill said.

white wildflowers on South Leinster path in Ireland

Completing His Walk Across Ireland

Bill’s story is a testament to his intrepid spirit and love for long-distance hiking. His journey across Ireland, though challenging, is a reminder of the beauty and solitude found in long walks. When asked if he would have attempted this route without support, he said “no, if I hadn’t found Sean I wouldn’t have attempted this.” It was our privilege here at Tailor-Made Tours to support Bill’s dream and make it a reality. We look forward to helping him complete the rest of his journey as he continues hiking across Ireland.

Walk South Leinster

Inspired by Bill’s journey? Book your own walking tour along the South Leinster Way and discover the quiet paths of Ireland.

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