Welcome to the Sheep's Head Way

Discover Ireland’s best-loved route, a peaceful walk by the very edge of Europe. 

Hike Sheep's Head, the edge of Europe

The Atlantic Ocean will be right on your side as you walk this route.

The Sheep’s Head Peninsula in the southwest of Ireland is undoubtedly one of Ireland’s least developed and most undiscovered places. It is a narrow peninsula bordered by Bantry Bay to the north and Dunmanus Bay to the south. A narrow spine of mountains culminates in Seefin Hill at 345m. 

The Sheep’s Head Way is a long distance walking route of 88km (55miles), which follows old tracks and roads. Your route will take you right to the tip of the peninsula.


On the heights of the Sheep’s Head Peninsula one can find the Sheep’s Head Lighthouse, an automatic lighthouse still in working order today. It has a rather picturesque charm, and attracts visitors every day. The lighthouse is one of the peninsula’s cool attractions!

Dolphins and Whales

Irish waters were designated as Europe’s first whale and dolphin sanctuary in 1991 and, to date, 25 species of cetacean have been recorded in Irish coastal and offshore waters. The Sheep’s Head Way offers a great chance for shore-based whale and dolphin watching.


Sheep’s Head Peninsula, or the ancient name of Muintir Bháire, the people of Bháire, is in the southwest of county Cork, Ireland’s largest county. During your walk, you’ll get to see the remains of an old copper mine, a blow hole, stone circles, standing stones, high cliffs, a Napoleonic signal tower, and old churches.

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Our Sheep’s Head Way is rated MODERATE  and these tours are appropriate for walkers with good fitness, comfortable walking 12-24km (8-15mi) per day with ascents up to 450m (1,476ft). Navigating is easy with excellent waymarking and our detailed Route Notes and maps. Our tours include optional routes, so please look at daily itineraries for details regarding daily distance and ascents.

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