Sustainable Tourism

Travel that is good for the body, soul and planet.

Our Commitment to the Environment

At Tailor-Made Tours, we believe in responsible travel that respects the natural beauty of Ireland. Our walking holidays are designed to minimise our impact on the environment while maximising your experience of the Emerald Isle. We are committed to sustainable practices and supporting local communities in whatever ways we can.

Walking Holidays are a Greener Way to Explore

Walking holidays offer a unique opportunity to connect with nature and immerse yourself in the local culture. By choosing to explore Ireland on foot, you’re helping to reduce carbon emissions compared to other forms of transport. We rely on local transport services for luggage and people, thus reducing carbon emissions as much as possible.

We Support Local Communities & Businesses

Our tours directly benefit the local economy. By choosing Tailor-Made Tours, you’re contributing to the preservation of Ireland’s rich heritage and supporting the livelihoods of local people. We work closely with small, family-run businesses and we are Irish owned and operated, ensuring that your travel money remains in Ireland for a more positive impact.

Local vendors are our partners and we work closely with them, listening to their suggestions and concerns, and adapting our tours as needed.

How We Practice Sustainability

We are proud members of the Sustainable Tourism Network, which is dedicated to promoting a more “sustainable, resilient and successful tourism industry” and we practice and promote Leave No Trace principles. 

Local Sourcing

We work with local suppliers for accommodations, food and transportation, supporting the local economy.

Waste Reduction

We encourage our guests to minimise waste by promoting reusable water bottles and recycling.

Education & Awareness

We educate our guests and local partners about the importance of sustainability and encourage responsible travel practices.

Reduce Carbon Emissions

We encourage guests to use public transportation and provide detailed instructions for doing so.